Siostra Artistry & Obrys Magic is a small business run by single mom, Lara. She has twenty years of design experience, which started when she was 19 years old. She sketched out a logo for for the child care where she was working at the time and has never looked back. Every employer since then has taken advantage of Lara’s tech savvy and design skills.
Lara has a dual bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and Liberal Studies from the College of Notre Dame of Maryland, now Notre Dame of Maryland University. In addition, she has an associate’s degree in General Studies from Methodist College, now Methodist University. And finally, from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh–Online Division, she has 40 credits towards a Graphic Design degree. Life intervened at that point, and while Lara had to quit school, she has never stopped designing. Since then, she has designed websites for Mary Kay directors, personal blogs, and a Baltimore restaurant called Festival Eatery. She has designed calendars, postcards, stickers, business cards and basically anything else you can think of that you can print. Siostra Artistry & Obrys Magic grew from a business that Lara started with her younger sister, Kate, originally called Siostra Artistry & Marketing. They worked together for several years before Kate’s life went in a different direction, leaving little time for Siostra work. Lara continues, shaping the business to suit the needs of a single mom’s life.
Nowadays, Lara cares for her 3 children while in an apprenticeship program to become a clinical herbalist. She loves reading, adult coloring books, comic books, movies, tarot card reading, handicrafts and snuggling with her kids.
Being a diva day planner, she has decided to start designing the stickers she wants, to corral her day planner craziness. Obrys Magic is a branch off to have a place to put the day planner designs that fit her needs for her herbalism class and her tarot card learning. All of her work will be available via digital download and, coming soon, printed stickers you can have mailed right to your door!
Make your days prettier! Download some stickers and other beautiful day planner items to make planning your days FUN again!
Lara can be reached at info@siostraventures.com.
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